Tabitha is a very Imaginative child, she loves pretending that the dolls are a family babbling and banging them down in the house.
Baby Daddy 7 Zakkai, He is an 100 BC baby Himself.
Declan loves making music using the blocks, he loves banging them together then clapping and giggling.
Zara loves the pool, After school, Before school and at weekends and Holidays, she can always be found in the pool swimming and diving and other water fun
Lewis is an Budding Artist, he loves to paint especially Landscapes
Lucas is a big fan of Video Games, He loves Racing and Shooting Games best of all
Little Megan is very Musical, she loves making music on the Xylophone
and Zak is Pretending to be The King of Mars
Birthday Time!!!
Lewis as a Young Adult, He's an Workaholic and wants to become an Illustrious Author
Lucas as an YA, He loves Socializing and wants to be a Singer
and finally Conner as an YA, He's Proper and wants to be an Athlete, The triplets move out to start their life's.
Zara becomes Clumsy
Zak loves the Heat
Megan loves Animals
Tabitha hates Technogly
Declan has star quality
Labour time
Baby 16 Jackson rolled Clumsy and Easily Impressed Traits
Baby 17 Jasen rolled Friendly and Athletic
Baby 18 Lucy rolled Good and Genius
and Baby 19 Emily rolled Loves the Outdoors and Evil Traits.